Tuesday, 13 January 2015

New Rooms for Old

I've had a bit of a shifty around today and I'm feeling mighty pleased with the new arrangements. The 'let's move a whole lot of stuff around seed' was sown on Saturday. The Mister was up t'big smoke with some chums overnight guzzling beer and eating greasy food, celebrating a birthday. I took myself off early doors to a jumble sale with my good friend prof, who I didn't know until Saturday is actually happy to frequent such lowly places. Anyhow we didn't find much but we had a nice brekkie together and popped over to her local high street, which has some lovely shops and quite a few chazzas too. In one of the antique shops I saw a beautifully upholstered chair, priced at £395. I was totally smitten with it and thought how nice it would look in our kitchen. But as we have two sofas in there already one would have to go to fit it in. I pondered this for a while. And then a light bulb moment. Ping. I didn't need to buy a new chair because I already had a beauty in our bedroom that has probably never had a bottom parked on it. I could move that downstairs and it would be perfect. And it is.

I had thought to put our small leather sofa on ebay but then I remembered a good friend had said her son was looking for some furniture for a new flat. He came and picked it up this morning.

He's super pleased, we've got some money in the coffers, more space and the chair is perfect under the standard lamp for reading and knitting.

Needless to say because I moved the armchair out of our bedroom I've moved a lot of things around in there too. It's all looking fresh and different and not a penny spent.


  1. Like the chair, under the lamp...Really nice that..
    Lamp seems a bit bright though...Not one for bright
    lights! Not indoors anyway...
    Not keen on leather settees either...Glad you got rid
    of it...!

    Moan! Moan! Willie! HeHe! :).
    Reminded me...Last week l was out with a lady, and,
    we finished up back at her place....HeHe! Wait for it!
    We were on the settee, well, you know....Then she said,
    "Let's take this upstairs..". So! So! I said...". "Ok..You
    grab that end, l'll grab this end..And, lift". :>).
    Settee's eh!
    At least, sounds like hubby had a great 'greasy' birthday!

    1. Oh Willie, you do make me chuckle :o)

    2. I'll reassure you Willie the lamp isn't bright just looks it in that pic. It has a nice warm glow. I don't think you noticed the naked ladies painted on the shade, now that does surprise me. Our other sofa in the room is a black velvet Knole, which i think you would like.


    3. HeHe! Naked ladies??? Lamp Shade???
      Yes! Yes! But! You know me...
      I'm very shy! AND...Don't say a lot!!!

      O.K. They! They look de'light'ful.......
      But, keep them in the shade...! :>).

  2. Woo Hoo! It's amazing how different moving furniture about can make a room feel- like a whole new room! Love your chair x

    1. Thank you. I got the chair from freecycle and had it recovered in a Mulberry seconds fabric that I had picked up in a fabric factory for a snip, a few years before. It was just luck that I had enough fabric to cover it. It had been in our bedroom for a couple of years with only a few old toys on it. So now it is being used and admired by us.
      Jean x

  3. What a lovely cozy space. I think it is awesome when you can shop your home and get a whole new look.

  4. Nothing like a good switcharoo to start the New Year and as you say, it's free! Or in your case earned you a few pounds!!

  5. Your kitchen is big enough for two sofas!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine is only just big enough for me. Love the chair though.

  6. Like your lampshade, it has a look of 'Bloomsbury' and love the juxtapose of the geese or are they ducks? with your Mr. Fox cushion.

    1. Yes Rosemary, the lamp was a purchase from the Charleston shop when I first went to work there. Hellishly expensive, but hand painted and gorgeous. The fabric has Geese on it and has a lovely old fabric feel about it.


  7. The 'Spring move around tidy your nest' thing hasn't struck me yet, a bit early, I also like the Bloomsbury style lampshade.

  8. Love the chair & well done you for not spending any pennies!

  9. A change is as good as a rest! I love rearranging, but with such a small cottage, there aren't too many options here. Your leather sofa looks gorgeous, what a lucky lad. Loving the chair and lamp too, you have good taste in décor. :)

  10. You have a kitchen big enough for a "couple of couches"??? Is your kitchen open plan?

    Love the chair :)

    1. Yes, as you look at the top picture the door behind the chair is a small utility room then the other side of the fridge is a pantry. The pic of the sofa shows the right hand side of the kitchen and then we have a television area where the sofa and chair are and then a dining area. It's the biggest room in the house. When we bought the house 7 years ago we undertook a big redevelopment and the house is now almost double the size. It was a tiny house on a large plot so now it looks more balanced.

      Jean x

  11. I would love a wing-back chair. They don't really exist here; I'd have to find a Brit who was selling one. They are perfect for a quick comfortable snooze.

  12. Yes - it's great to change things around - and it's free!
    Sometimes the difference it makes is so dramatic I wonder why on earth I didn't think of it before.

  13. That chair looks lovely under the lamp, and it's nice that your sofa has gone to a good home that needed it. A win, win situation.

    I have fallen for a lovely leather armchair in M&S but I'm being good (for now), I don't really need one until our oldest sofa moves through to the conservatory for the dogs to sleep on then I will NEED it or something similar for the living room.

    It's nice to have a but of a shifty around occasionally isn't it. :-)

  14. You're very inspirational in the shifty around department Sue. And in the stop spending and de-clutter departments as well.



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