Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Inspiration And The Snow Child

Champneys is a great place to recharge your batteries and enjoy a wee bit of pampering. I went hoping to energise myself, get loads of exercise and to get my head around reducing my portion sizes.

The Mister and I eat really well and healthily but my portion sizes have crept up, and with drinking a glass of wine most nights, the weight has crept on. I can happily report that I achieved my goals, made a dent in my flobbage and have returned home with a good mind set. Now I need to carry on.

I went with one of my best chums, no Willie that is not her in the waistcoat. She, god bless her, managed to get us a tremendous deal through an associate so we only paid about a third of the going rate. I wouldn't say it was worth the full rate. But for my budget it does feel as though I have made a good investment in my health and appearance.

Whilst there I read the most extraordinary book, inspired by a Russian fairy tale, Snegurochka. The tale of an old man and a woman who form a little girl out of snow and she comes to life.

"Alaska, the 1920s. Jack and Mabel have staked everything on a fresh start in a remote homestead, but the wilderness is a stark place, and Mabel is haunted by the baby she lost many years before. When a little girl appears mysteriously on their land, each is filled with wonder, but also foreboding - is she what she seems, and can they find room in their hearts for her?"

This Newsday review sums it up beautifully. 'Ivey, a native Alaskan, knows how to make the frost glow in a window, how to describe light flickering through birches in a way that plays with the reader's imagination........The book is full of reflections in dark windows, lamplight, alpenglow.......Ivey sets up the two most powerful forces in any story: fear on the one hand, potential for the miraculous on the other'.

A wonderfully evocative and spiritual story of love, in an icy magical and powerful landscape. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Another book to mention is the cutest little journal that arrived at my house whilst I was away.

A giveaway win, my first, from Cornish Chickpea who has a smashing blog just here. Thanks again Chickpea, I will put it to good use. Can you all see the quote on the front? It's from A Midsummer night's Dream. " Though she be but little, she is fierce". Sounds like my kinda gal.


  1. So glad you like the book and I hope you enjoy using it. Thank you for mentioning The Snow Child, I am pretty sure it was read on Radio 4 and thinking at the time I would like to read it, then I forgot all about it. I will make a note of it now so I don't forget to order it. It sounds like you had a wonderful time away, so jealous!

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely restful time away, glad you enjoyed it. Love a fantastical story like that, alas I'm not much of a reader I'm afraid.

  3. Glad you enjoyed your stay at the health farm and now feel fighting fit. I read the Snow Child a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it - it made me feel happy and sad in equal measure - it is a keeper and I will definitely read it again at some point.

  4. How lovely a trip to Champneys, the book sounds interesting will add it my list :-)

  5. I love that you 'dented your flobbage'! xx

  6. I love The Snow Child too, it is a wonderful book. Your trip sounds very worth while - I can so relate to the portion size and glass of wine temptation! x

  7. Ah! Here we are.....Better say summat...
    Might get nagged...Again! :).

    Well, l don't read books...Book..Books,
    that is...As everyone knows..No patience!
    I just wait till the film comes out...Sorted!

    Now! This lose of weight thing...I'm a firm
    believer, the only way to loose weight...HeHe!
    Is to stop eating...Easy as that! This cutting
    down, watching calories etc..is a lot of nonsense!
    Just stop eating, when you get to your required
    weight...Start eating again...Sorted!
    Ah! Hang on a mo...There is another way to keep
    yer weight down...As l do....Stress! Anxiety! HeHe!
    As Punch would say..."That's the way to do it".
    I used to have a six pack...Now! I'm down to two...
    Fit! I can still give these youngsters a seeing to,
    on the dance floor...Not, forgetting the mental thing
    either...It's ALL in the mind....!
    HeHe! So! There you have it....And, l was'nt gonna
    nowt! Dust my soap box off...And, slip it back under
    the bed for the next time! :>).

    Think l got a problem with my pink flashing mouse.
    Seems to be doing two entries of my comments.
    Perhaps it's because there so good, it prints it twice!
    Anyway here goes....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The Snow Child sounds like a lovely book Jean. I am adding it to my list.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. A wonderful break from the sounds of it. You may have not filled your belly but you did fill your mind :)

  12. I have that quotation (Shakespeare, by the way), on one of my Pinterest pages,
    "Though she be but little, she is fierce".
    It's my motto!

  13. I've never been on a health getaway; I would love that! A kind person gave me a copy of The Snow Child so I am now more inclined to read it - Thank You!


Don't Be Cut Off From Yourself

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