Monday, 12 November 2012

The Most Extraordinary Thing

There was I resting me pins and easing myself into a very gloomy and wet Monday morning, sipping my favourite cuppa of Earl Grey and Vanilla tea and reading Mr.S&P's This Week  magazine, when I saw the most extraordinary thing. I had to think hard, had I somehow managed to travel back in time to April Fools day? No? Then this must be for real.

A full page advert from MI6 recruiting for spies. Yes, spies. The advert as you will see looks totally innocuous, but that's the point, you have to be alert and curious to even notice the advert.

How exciting to join the Secret Intelligence Service, I'm in, although my intelligence is far from secret.

I already have an essential bit of kit, fortuitously purchased from the V&A's Hollywood Costume exhibition only last week.

I shall insist on the code name Secret Squirrel,obvs.


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