Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Don't Break the Bank for a Stylish Christmas

In recent months I have tried to be even more savvy with my food and household shopping. Money is tight, but even if I had pennies aplenty I still wouldn't waste my hard earned cash. Why would I? Why would anyone? I truly feel that every penny saved makes a difference to my budgets. And as you know I'm the kinda gal who wants quality but refuses to pay the earth for it.

I have made the time to do my 'big' shop across two main stores now. Lidl and Morrisons, and it is really working for me. I'm lucky in that I have both of these stores a short drive from me and in close proximity to each other. So I can nip into Lidl and then across to Morrisons. Yes it does take more time but I do save enough money to make it worthwhile.

I picked up the Christmas edition of Morrisons FREE magazine this week and I have to say I'm very impressed with it. Dear reader there is absolutely no need to spend your £4.95 on a 'posh' Christmasey magazine, when you can get all the information, help and festive titivation from this mag.

Over 145 pages of articles, recipes and tips to make your Christmas the special event you want it to be.

You can even go onto the Morrisons website and watch these three celebrity chefs in action cooking their favourite Christmas recipes.

So how did I spend my 'saved' £4.95? On these fantastic sparkly silver reindeer candles, 6 for £2.99 at Lidl.

Perfect for the Christmas day table. And this adorable tiny Swedish angel rotary candle holder, 99p in my local chazza shop.


  1. I find Morrisons good value too, but unfortunately they don't deliver to your door. I always spend more if I'm actually walking round the store, so I find Asda online is the best option.

  2. That's another useful tip, thanks very much Alison.

  3. I'll pick up that mag tomorrow - though my usual method usually works for me:
    One month before - buy a few appropriate & thoughtful presents (add some cash for those younger & poorer).
    2 weeks before - country walks for pine cones, greenery & berries.
    1 week before - bring in the potted Christmas tree & start vaguely thinking about the Christmas menu.
    No stress!

  4. Sounds like a perfect Christmas to me Nilly :)



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