Monday, 5 November 2012

How to Knit an Elvis Scarf

I thought I would share what I'm up to on the knitting front. I have made one of these scarves before as a gift for one of my all time favourite English eccentrics, Debo the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire.

I absolutely adore everything about her, including her love for Elvis. Which explains the scarf. 
And dear reader I have it on good authority that she has been seen wearing said scarf , too thrilling :)

Anyway I'm knitting another one. I have some of the wool left over from the original scarf and as it is fairly quick to knit I can fit it in before the two other knitty projects I plan to complete before Christmas. 
I'll probably sell this scarf to get some pennies towards my annual pilgrimage to Chatsworth. Yes, I have to go EVERY year.

It looks a little bit crumpled and curly here but all will be straightened out when I block it once complete.

I made the design up myself using graph paper, it's a fairly simple process, and would translate to other designs if you have an idea in mind.


  1. How wonderful to think of Debo wearing one of your scarves.
    I have known Chatsworth all of my life - I am a Derbyshire girl, and need to make a pilgrimage every year too. I have already been this year and admired the wonderful 18 carat gold gilding on the windows, which looks absolutely splendid.

    1. I knew there had to be someone as enchanted as me.
      Jean x


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...