Sunday, 26 February 2023

The Tempest Tomorrow


Very excitingly I'm off tomorrow to meet up with a girlfriend for a couple of days in Stratford Upon Avon. We've booked to see Alex Kingston in the RSC production of Shakespeare's The Tempest.

I have seen a fair few of Shakespeare's plays in my time, including one when I was at secondary school which starred a young Vanessa Redgrave. The Mr and I have also been to the Globe in London. But the RSC has been on my list for an age. I'm really looking forward to it.


  1. Have a lovely time, I'm afraid I have seen none of Shakespeare's plays

    1. Oh. He's not everyones cup of tea. the language fascinates me.

  2. Oh, how exciting, Jean! And I cannot get over the fact that you saw a play starring a young Vanessa Redgrave during your secondary school days! xxx

  3. How lovely. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.

  4. Have an AMAZING time! I am a huge Shakespeare fan.... Stratford on Avon....sounds like a dream to me. ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

  5. How wonderful, I hope you have a lovely time.

  6. Hope you're having a wonderful time. I've only been to Stratford Upon Avon once, it was a school trip. We were taken to see Hamlet, though it was Romeo and Juliet we were studying for O level so I didn't have a clue what was going on!


Happy International Women's day

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