Saturday, 11 February 2023

Tromso Part 2 The Trolls


We did some research before our visit to Norway, just to be on the safe side, wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of any supernatural Nordic creatures.

First stop then on the holiday was of course the Troll Museum - irresistible. An enchanting and entertaining place with augmented reality real live trolls!!

Also displays of wonderfully visualised Norweigan fairy tales, with hand made original figures all with great attention to detail.

If you're very kind to the trolls and they decide not to eat you, they may let you join them and become a troll yourself.


  1. Well, this brought a smile to my face this morning LOL. There is, indeed, a bit of truth in every fairy tale, although I never indulged in musing about real live trolls. BUT, I did have quite the collection of troll dolls when I was younger. 😉 Hoping your weekend is off to a great start Jean! ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)


    1. What a coincidence, I fell madly in love with the small sturdy trolls with long hair that were made in the 1960s. I think my heart actually burst when my Mum finally bought me one. I had hoped to find a troll in Norway to bring home to Blighty but couldn’t find one I liked. I have been on EBay of course since my return. Nothing is speaking to me though.

  2. The troll museum sounds like an enchanting place indeed. I do hope you didn't get on the wrong side of one of those real life trolls you met there! xxx

    1. Ha ha, no. I'm always very respectful when I meet any fairy folk.

  3. Like the Three Billy Goats Gruff, I was never very keen on trolls. Perhaps I was missing something!

    1. Not missing anything methinks. They are an acquired taste, a bit like Marmite.

  4. Brilliant, a whole museum devoted to trolls. I've just been catching up on your previous post about your trip to Norway, the reindeer ride looks magical. I can't wait to hear more.

  5. I love that there is a troll museum in Norway! How wonderful.


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