Saturday, 15 October 2022

Feeding The Soul & Body


I'm now in what I would describe as the third age of my life. This year I have been giving much thought about the direction my life should be following. What should I be doing with my time for maximum personal benefit, development, balance, harmony and contentment.

 I had been at a loss until visiting a very wise old friend who amongst other things is a pagan and crystal healer. I decided to have a chat with her. Instead she gave me a copy of her crystal book and after reading the first few pages, BAM. I knew what I wanted to do. Well, where to start anyway.

I've started on a spiritual path and have begun to record my feelings and findings in a journal. I have to say I'm enjoying it immensely, it feels right. Most importantly it has made me pay attention to things and people that perhaps in the past I wouldn't have found or noticed.

The Mr and I went to Derby Cathedral last Sunday to see Gaia, in doing so we decided to stay for the service. The choir and music were joyous and one member of the congregation spoke about how words can be transforming. Words like please, thank you and sorry. So interesting and thoughtful.

On a more down to earth note I have been using up all of our harvested vegetables to make healthy nourishing soups. Totally determined to eliminate waste of any kind in our household.

I leave you with a picture of Morgana Mittens and the book that started it all. I like to think she approves.


  1. I think you are on a good path here. Journaling has helped me a lot. As you expressed so well..."for my personal benefit, development, balance, harmony and contentment."

  2. Well, welcome t the world of crystals my friend! I have "dabbled" a bit in them myself and have quite a "healthy" collection going. Now...if I could only remember what the properties are of some of the more obscure ones. 🤔😬 I wish you enlightenment and light along your journey. ~Robin~ (The Cranky Crow)

  3. I have journaled for most of my life in one way or another and I truly believe that writing things down helps to sort things out in your mind. I've had people say that they wouldn't know what to write in a journal but I think that if you sit down with a book and a pen and just start writing, the words come. I'm hoping to see Gaia when it comes to Leeds.

    1. I'm really enjoying the process. I have such a busy mind.

  4. What a thoughtful post, Jean. I'm glad to read you've found what you want to do, and I think recording one's feelings and findings in a journal can be very rewarding. I actual started such a journal when Covid just started rearing its ugly head.
    Oh, and I'm glad Morgana Mittens approves! xxx

  5. How wonderful, I do hope the journalling continues you bring such joy. I hope you loved Gaia, I was blown away by it, it sounds like the service was thought provoking.


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...