Friday, 6 January 2017

I Have A Confession..........

It's no good, it's much better to be open about it and fess up, I have an 'Outlander' obsession. There I've said it and it's out there now. How I've gone so long without talking about it is a mystery, although a secret does feel good eh?

This darling little novel, my current bedtime read, is just one of the many Outlander themed presents I received from the Mr this year. Christmas 2015 was the same, ALL about Outlander.

I first heard about the series on an American blog that I follow, and oh my, thank the Goddess I did. Of course I only started watching the show because of it's, erm, historical content and the wonderful costumes, which are a triumph. Nothing to do with the charm of the leading actor and the chemistry between him and his really adorable leading lady. I know, gush, gush, gush. But it is an obsession right? So I can gush at will.

I can honestly say it's one of the best dramas I've ever seen. And the real joy is that the TV dramatisation led me to the books that the series is based on. The books are huge and there are many, but I find myself holding off reading all through the books too quickly as I really enjoy the anticipation. I'm currently up to book 6, 'A Breath of Snow and Ashes'. Diana Gabaldon the author, is working hard at the moment writing book 9, so you can see why I'm dragging the process out. Thankfully she has also written a number of novellas that relate to the bigger story.

This is a picture of 'herself' that I took at a Comic Con I went to in Germany late in 2015. It was a mad couple of days, where I met the actors from the show and heard her read from her work and discuss her inspiration. Which turned out to be Dr Who, who'd have thunk it?

I'll leave you with a pic of the leading character James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. I think you may find him veera easy on the eye. Interest piqued?

Outlander is showing on Amazon prime only, bit of a bummer, but on the up side you can watch it on demand again and again and again. That is until you buy your own boxed sets. See how it happens?


  1. Oh, I feel and share, your pain / delight / obsession. We have only had the privilege of seeing season 1, but I'm definitely hooked. Not able to find the books here though :!

    Another goodie is "Poldark"...

  2. Oh Dani, you must move hell and high water to get your mitts on the books. Ebay probably best bet but I'm guessing a might heavy on the import charges?


  3. Ooh this is my favourite tv show too, Jean. For all the reasons you mention! Xx


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...