Monday, 2 January 2017

Balance & Harmony.

Time to rein in the slightly over indulgent eating now and get back to my 'normal' healthy eating plan. Since September I have been trying to eat more foods that work in harmony with my body keeping it healthy and hopefully trimming it of some unwanted poundage . Less booze too, I don't enjoy it as much as I used to, I guess that's something else that happens as one ages. The plus side of that is that I have decided never to drink cheap Champagne again, not really a new year resolution, more of an intention. My favourite is Mumm Cordon Rouge, I shall look out for it when it is on offer and stash it away.

More exercise is on the cards too, I always feel much better if I make the effort. Today a shortish, very muddy, woodland walk, spotting a couple of Buzzards up in the wide blue yonder. It was also a chance to take a sneaky peek at the house we are buying as the woodland backs on to the house.

New year and new ways of living, another intention of mine, moderation and a little of what you fancy, the best way to live, no need for extremes.

This young lady however believes in extremes, she also has an intention, to look like a cartoon character, yes, that's her ambition in life. She has had over 19 surgical procedures, including having 6 ribs removed and having eye implants to make her eyes cartoon green. Pixie Fox, for this is she, calls herself a body modification artist. So far her dream has cost her 80k, and the ability to eat solid food. She seems super pleased with the results, but it's obvious to me that she will continue on until it kills her.

I'm happy with a little less flobbage and more energy.


  1. Oh dear, I shall have bad dreams after seeing it - I won't say her because I'm not sure!

  2. I do hope the days of 'body image' will soon come to an end; there are signs that it will. That woman simply looks WRONG.

  3. Not only is it sad that she feels that way but it's also sad that someone has operated on her to make her look that way. I hope she finds peace with herself.

  4. An American surgeon I think as she is originally from Sweden, now living in USA. Power without responsibility, money being the upper most thought.

  5. Hi found your lovely blog. That poor girl unfortunately has some serious mental health problems. It's so sad that there are unscrupulous so called surgeons always ready to take money from women with messed up body image who should be in therapy instead. Although that's another area where money is sometimes taken from the vulnerable. Anyway enough of that. I'm enjoying reading your blog and I'm with you re balance and harmony dry January more walking, yoga and meditation are in progress with me so far this month.

  6. Hi Wendy, glad you found my blog and pleased you are enjoying it, I'll pop over to yours and take a peek.



Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...