Saturday, 24 December 2016

Christmas Cheer

I thought you all deserved another pre Christmas post, after my moaning Minnie one of Thursday. So I'm sharing a few of the wondrous delights that Chatsworth has to offer with their Nutcracker Christmas themed festivities.

I've been three times this Winter and will go again when they open for a few days in January before they close for the season. I admit to a teeny bit of an obsession with Chatsworth, brought on by my fascination of the strong women who have lived there thoughout it's history. Yes there have been Dukes, but they are not a patch on the women folk of Chatsworth.

Now I'm living in the Peak District I have become a 'friend' of Chatsworth and can visit free of charge as often as I like, plus I also get a number of free tickets to events. Oh dear, I think my obsession may get worse.

These delightful silhouetted dancing ballerinas were projected on the walls where the ancient statues are on display toward the end of the house tour. Whilst a real life ballerina pirouetted amongst the visitors.

I haven't really gone to town with Christmas decorations at home this year mainly because the rented house is tiny and we are surrounded by stuff as it is. But I did buy a rather handsome 62cm Nutcracker soldier who is standing guard over the presents. I think I may start a wee collection of Nutcracker soldiers and see if next year I can rival the Chatsworth display.


  1. Merry, Merry - don't scoff too much 😉

  2. We buy one new tree decoration each year. Limiting it to just one means we pick something nice, and don't spend a fortune. A mini soldier would be good. Happy Christmas, Cro xx

  3. We only have my crib and extra animals I bought to go with it. It was pictured on my blog. Good luck with the house completion, probate sales are always the worst.


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...