Thursday, 22 December 2016

Towards The End

It's been a funny ole year for me and from what I'm reading, for a lot of you folk too. Just now it feels like a year of endings without new beginnings. Partly because although we made the move to the Peak District in March we are still in a rented house. We have found a home but the purchase process is dragging on somewhat, largely due to the fact that the vendors do not seem to understand the legal process and have not been enlightened by their solicitors. Therefore the agreed exchange date of November18th didn't happen. We are still waiting.....................

This year has also seen the loss of many much loved people in the public eye. The deaths of Terry Wogan and Victoria Wood made me feel especially sad.

But I don't want to sound mawkish as I really do have a lot to look forward to and I do count my blessings, but even so, some days life is a bitch, no?

What I am looking forward to is seeing all the family at Christmas and I'm determined to enjoy it to the full this year. I shall look to the New Year with optimism and a sense of new purpose.

I hope that all of you dear blogging chums have a fantastic time with your friends and family over the Christmas season and I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.


  1. I do hope things go through for you as soon as possible. We hope once our solicitor is back from a FOUR WEEK break we should get exchanged and complete fairly quickly!

    1. Thanks very much Sue. I have been keeping up with your news and read about your bloomin solicitors. Have a great Christmas and I wish you and Col a happy and healthy New Year. Oh, and a successful house move back out of town.

  2. I think you need a big stick! Maybe they nowhere to move to, and are stringing it out.

    I know you'll have a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you all the very best for 2017. Cro xx

    1. It's a probate sale Cro, the three 'children' all in their 50s haven't got a clue. Patience is a virtue I'm told but I'm not good at it. Good JUl to you too Cro.


  3. I hope that the New Year brings you much happiness. And, hopefully you will get settled into your new home soon. Have a fabulous Christmas! Pat

    1. Thanks very much Pat. Merry Christmas to you and yours too.


  4. Hang in there Jean, you will get there in the end. Such a pity to miss completion before Christmas though. Have a lovely Christmas and I am looking forward to reading more of yor adventures in 2027.xx

    1. Thanks very much for your positive thoughts. New Year, new home. Have a great time over the Christmas holiday.


  5. Hang in there Jean, you will get there in the end. Such a pity to miss completion before Christmas though. Have a lovely Christmas and I am looking forward to reading more of yor adventures in 2027.xx

  6. Happy Christmas my friend. Hopefully 2017 will usher in the right kind of changes for you. Ps Great Tit possibly requires no additional outfit! Xx

  7. Wishing you the very best Christmas followed by a happy New Year in your New Home. Barbara xx


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...