Saturday, 21 February 2015

Buns and Bacall

I am amongst other things a Sarf London girl, Battersea born and Fulham schooled. I love London, and go up to the big smoke as often as I can. I keep a small list of things I'd like to see or do up there and try and tick a few things off the list in one hit.

Tuesday was The Scandi Kitchen and Bonhams, plus lunch at the 'club' to make use of my free 6 month membership I received with The Lady magazine subscription.

I've been wanting to check this place out for a while. It was smashing. My chum and I shared a Semlor cake with some fresh coffee. Divine. I also made a few essential grocery purchases.

We then pressed onto Bonhams to check out some objet d'art from the estate of Lauren Bacall, due to go under the hammer in New York next month. I do love a bit of Hollywood glamour. Brought up on it you see.

They only had a few lots on display, which are touring  London, Paris, Hong Kong and Los Angeles before the big event. Beautifully displayed with some gorgeous huge black and white images of Miss Bacall, totally seductive. The auction in New York will be made up of more than 750 lots. Oh if only I had some spare cash masses of cash I would definitely try to buy something. The estimates look quite low, but I just know the items will go for huge amounts.

A few years ago there was an 'attic' auction at Chatsworth. One of the lots was a tiny brooch that had been owned by the Dowager Duchess, Debo. The estimate was something like £250. I left a bid of £450 and the hammer went down at £4,500. Nuf said.


  1. The cakes look absolutely divine YUM!! How I would love to visit London. My husband has traversed Britain many many times......with his first wife !!

    1. My husband travelled with a girlfriend before he met me. We call that time the bad old days.


  2. Wow, the price on that brooch was saucy! I can only imagine what Ms.Bacall's belongings will fetch.

  3. I lived in Lillie Road, Fulham; loved it there. My Aunt lived in Finlay Street, Fulham; the road that leads to the football ground.

    My wife is Swedish, but I've never really been a fan of Swedish 'cuisine'. However, my late mother-in-law introduced me to Sil (sweet-n-sour herring), and I've been an addict ever since.

    1. That's funny Cro, one of my first boyfriends lived in Lillie Road and his name was Ralph. I was only a wee nipper then.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well...It's no secret l can't stand the place...London,
    that is..Or any city for that matter. Though there was
    one..Munich! Worked and was based there for 8 months
    Loved it. So clean.!
    Been to London only six times in my entire life, when i
    was five with Mum and Dad, on a day trip, four times
    with my daughter on school trips, and once to RADA,
    for my audition and interview...Which l passed with
    flying colours...But, alas, not to be, we were poor, you
    see...No grants in those days...Never mind, got into
    the business in other and more difficult ways!
    But! I'm a country 'walla', HeHe! Born under a volcano,
    and, always ready to erupt....(So they say). :>).

    And...The lovely Lauren Bacall, died last August of
    course..It was the face with her, all sultry...!
    And, loved her sayings..."I am not a has been..I am
    a will be".
    And, the famous one of course..."Whistle, you know
    how to whistle, don't you Sam. You just put your lips
    together and blow". HeHe! "Nuff Said".

    Just gone seven...nice and light now....Time for a second
    lemon tea.........! Got bless volcano's.....! :>).

  6. A lovely post. I quite fancy cake for breakfast now. x

  7. The food in the Scandi Kitchen looks delectable - how can anyone resist those goodies. I wonder how Ms Bacall would feel about her possessions being toured and sold off like that - it doesn't seem quite right somehow.

    1. I know, selling off peoples belongings is awful isn't it. But after family have kept meaningful items not sure what else there is to do with possessions. What I think is worse is selling off image rights. There are two adverts on tele at the moment featuring CGI images, one of Marilyn and one of Audrey Hepburn. Makes me angry on their behalf.


  8. Such a beautiful woman, oh to have those cheekbones.

  9. Have just noticed the Scandi Kitchen is not too far away from the Nordic Bar - I feel a Scandi-themed plan forming for my next visit....

  10. OMG those cakes! And she was gorgeous, wasn't she? x

  11. oh wow...those cakes look so delicious!

  12. I make a similar list when I travel to my beloved South East! Last week we crammed Hughenden Manor, Ardingly Antiques Fair, Hastings, Rye, Deal, Ramsgate and Broadstairs into a couple of sunny days - tiring, but well worth it!

  13. Hi Jean, I love London too although I’m a county girl at heart. My mum lived and worked in London before she and dad got married, and they then moved to a farm in the country. Mum hated it, but dad was in his element. Terry and I visit London three or four times a year but always end up doing the same things each as we never have a plan. I like the idea of making a list of the things to see and must start doing that now.
    Auctioneers deliberately give everything low estimates in the hope of attracting more bidders. It's always so disappointing! xx


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