Saturday, 28 February 2015

Life in the Knitty Nud

I wanted to share this short animated film, amazing in it's execution and wonderfully silly. Take the time to get past the musical introduction to the film proper and I'm sure it will delight you. It's quite saucy and risque, full of double entendres, in true seaside postcard fashion.

I first saw it over at Crafts from the Cwtch.  Make a pot of tea, and click on this link, you'll be transported to the yarny village of Woolly Bush.


  1. Talk about 'carry on knitting' the woman at the pub even sounded like Barbara Windsor... my man used to do that with our fruit!

  2. Wonderful! Wallace & Gromit meet Austin Powers.

  3. Well that was interesting! How funny. On a serious note, amazing knitting!

  4. Hello Jean, thank you for making my morning! x


Don't Be Cut Off From Yourself

A tremendously sad piece of prose from Virginia Woolf, which touched me on reading it recently. I'm not sure she ever felt a true ha...