Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Grand Day at Ardingly

Tescos did not want us
Had a cracking day out at the Ardingly antiques fair yesterday. Perfect weather, loads of sunshine but not too hot, and loads of (mostly) smiling faces. I went to buy some china for the cafe at work, we need lots so the mister came to help me carry it all. He's a good ole boy.

We covered every inch of the site and it took just under 5 hours to do it. I'm hoping that I burned up a million calories in my search for the perfect teacup.

I saw about a zillion things I would have liked to take home but only made one purchase and I couldn't be more thrilled. LOOK....................

A beautiful servant's bell board. It must have been in a very grand house as it has 9 bedrooms, a studio, music room, drawing room and a study. 
I'm delighting in all the names of the rooms, blue bedroom, pink bedroom and not forgetting Mr. Cook's bedroom, he must have been quite an important member of the household. I do hope he looked a little like Carson, even though he was probably head of this household.

How fabulous would it be to find out who Mr.Cook was and where the house is, if it still exists, of course.


  1. can you believe we actually threw the bellboard out when we moved to our house over 40 years ago.....what did I know then...

  2. Lovely to see you yesterday. The tesco's caption made me chuckle! Lizzie x

  3. Hi there,
    Just found your blog through another blog as you do. Enjoying your posts!
    You are so lucky to live close to Ardingly, my husband and I are very jealous. We talk about going on holidays and covering lots of those antique fairs. With a van obviously because I know I wouldn't be able to leave anything behind! We just don't have that standard of fair here in Ireland unfortunately. I just love the bell board!! What a great find. I just love something that's had a life before me. Imagine the stories it could tell! Wouldn't you just love to know who Mr. Cook was!!
    Anyway, will visit again soon....I'm officially a follower now!

    1. Hello SAL, really pleased you like my blog. You're my first Irish follower which is just dandy. The Mister's folks are from Ireland and we love visiting especially Ballycotton. I'll be popping over to your site too now we are acquainted.
      Jean x

  4. Ooooh! I wish I'd been there - I would have been, but Mr N's decided he wants to try a different direction this time (our last two trips have been to Sussex & Ardingly.)
    I love the bellboard with "pink bedroom" & "blue bedroom" - my imagination is running riot!


Happy International Women's day

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