Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Best In Show

I have finished knitting the winsome whippet for my friend. He was super pleased and now he has a lovely reminder of Dogen, his much loved dog.


  1. Fantastic doggie knit Jean, well done. Might have to commission you to re-create my lethargic cat in wool. Managed to get onto your marvellous blog no probs - think baby brain was making wonder whether I had the ability. We'll "favourite" you now so can follow your next endeavour.

    Vanessa and Lady Lucy xxx

  2. Ha ha, welcome to the blog, I hope Lady Lucy will enjoy the pictures.
    Jean x

  3. What a thoughtful gift, you did a fantastic job!!

  4. He is fantastic Jean, so much character and I love his little collar! I agree with Sweet Auburn life, you did a fantastic job.xx


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...