Monday, 18 February 2013

First Meeting of the Year

I've been a member of The East Sussex Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers for a couple of years now, although truth be told, I haven't learnt to weave, spin or dye yarn...... yet. But the nice thing about the guild is that they don't mind. I'm a knitter and have crocheted a few things and am really keen on all craft and so are they.
Everyone is welcome at their monthly meetings, and every member of the guild has different skills and they are all keen as mustard to share their knowledge. Such a wide range of people attend although the majority of members are retired. The youngest person at the meeting on Saturday looked to be about 12, and I think I sat next to one of the eldest members, Ruth who I believe is 97.

Poster for Guild Exhibition 2011

Most meetings they invite guest speakers, last Saturday it was Alison Crosthwaite whose work in all it's varying forms is like a huge eyegasmic explosion of colour and textiles.
She's got me all fired up, I want to create, upcyle and dye my own hand spun yarn.
Fortunately the Chairwoman of the guild is also a friend of mine and she's gonna teach me to spin and dye. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit time in to go to work :)

Water colour by Alison Crosthwaite.
But first things first, I have a rather important knitty project to finish before I can expand my crafty horizons.

I'm knitting a winsome whippet for a dear work friend whose much loved pooch died last Summer. (He's not a whizz on computers so I'm pretty sure he won't catch on to what I'm doing for him). I made the dog's legs at the weekend so it seems quick to knit, but I am having to concentrate as it's fiddly. I'll take some pics when he's finished.

I've also been collecting some nice textiles to help with my crafty upcycling ideas. I want to make more time to be creative this year, it always seems to come last on my agenda, after housework and shopping etc. I just need to plan it in and it will happen, or so the theory goes.

Look at these lovelies.

They've all been recycled once, that's how I got my mitts on them, but they are destined to go on to bigger and better things. Most satisfying. 

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