Thursday, 6 February 2025

Trying To Live More Slowly

This is how I'm feeling lately. I'm trying to cut back and slow down as much as I can and avoid the hustle culture. It's not easy is it? I have been baking a bit, but of course cake baking means eating it !! My reasoning is home made is a bit better for you because you can adjust sugar levels and there is no crap ingredients in it. This polenta cake made with olive oil is a point in question. I've never made a cake with polenta before but boy was it amazing. Full of good things, with lemon and orange zests taking centre stage. My family gave it 10 out of 10, and perfect for gluten intolerant folk, which is an added bonus.
I also made some rosemary and rock salt bread, I know, very cottagecore. It looks fantastic, no? It was dry and horrible. Although the Mr chomped his way through it. What was left I blitzed into breadcrumbs to avoid any waste. They freeze quite well so all was not lost.


  1. The bread does look very attractive, I must say.

  2. Oh shame about the bread, it looks amazing. Yes that's the problem with making cakes, you do have to try them, lol

    1. I need to abstain from cakes etc for a while, eating as best as I can. I've set myself a bit of a challange.

  3. Same here, and one's brain having too many tabs open is a very apt description. The cake looks heavenly, and so does the bread. What a shame the latter was a disappointment ... xxx

    1. It did make for great breadcrumbs, so all was not lost

  4. I'll add my Focaccia bread recipe to my recipe page - it always turns out springy and soft.

  5. I think those words describe all of us from time to time!
    I do try to focus on one thing at a time, it definitely makes life easier.

    Shame about the bread but your cake got full marks :)
    Enjoy the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan

  6. That bread does look delicious Jean - such a pity it was rock hard. I am not a break maker so cannot offer any advise.

    1. Thanks Julie. not to worry it made excellent bread crumbs.

  7. Hello my faraway friend... Been a bit MIA but not by choice and I fear I have little hope for catching up other than to read through past posts I've missed and forego commenting on them and then start fresh with the most recent post. Bummer that the bread was a disappointment - it did present beautifully! The polenta cake sounds interesting...I'm always on the hunt for good GF recipes as my DIL has Celiac's but I'm not a fan of cornbread/polenta.... It does look yummy though! Hope all is well. Give Miss Morgana some ear scratches for me. ~Robin~

  8. Hope all is well with you my dear. I'll add the polenta cake recipe to the blog, hopefully I've put it somewhere safe.


Happy International Women's day

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