Monday, 24 February 2025

My Latest Crush & Guru

I have no idea why George Harrison should suddenly be of so great import to me, but dear readers he is. I seek him out on YouTube to see him with his Victorian gnomes at his wonderful country house Friar Park, Henley, to watch him on stage with The Beatles and to delve into his marriages and family life. Sadly also to read about his early death. I listen constantly to his music, his 'All Things Must Past' album is slowly being eroded in my car CD player. I had no idea he was such a deeply spiritual person and oh so wise. I really love him. Dear George.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Tunisian Polenta Gluten Free Citrus Cake

First of all can I just say I've had to purloin this image from a post from Clifton house, sorry not to be able to link to their site but blogger doesn't allow me to create links anymore, in fact it has even stopped me being able to space out my text properly, very naughty. I'm wondering if I might shift my blog to another place, substack maybe? Do any of you use a site that is a bit more flexible for links, small films etc ? Anyhoo, here is the recipe for my Tunisian gluten free citrus cake, (as mentioned in a previous post). Ingredients: 45g polenta, 120g golden caster sugar, 100g ground almonds, 1.5 teaspoon of baking powder, 215 ml olive oil, 4 eggs beaten lightly, finely grated zest of one unwaxed lemon and also same from one orange. For the syrup : 45g sugar, juice of half an orange and half a lemon. Method: 1. Combine polenta, sugar, almonds & baking powder in a mixing bowl. 2. Using wooden spoon beat in oil, eggs & zest. 3. Pour into a greased and lined 20cm cake tin. PLACE IN A COLD OVEN 4.Turn on oven at 190/170 fan, gas mark 5. Bake for 35/40 mins. Test with a skewer to insure cooked through. 6. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes, turn out onto a wire rack to cool. 7. Meanwhile make syrup. Simmer sugar & citrus juices for around 5 minutes. Stirring to dissolve sugar. 8. Prick cake all over with a skewer then gently spoon over the syrup whilst it is cooling. Serve dusted with some icing sugar and perhaps some candied orange slices or edible flower heads. So incredibly easy to make and totally delicious.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Trying To Live More Slowly

This is how I'm feeling lately. I'm trying to cut back and slow down as much as I can and avoid the hustle culture. It's not easy is it? I have been baking a bit, but of course cake baking means eating it !! My reasoning is home made is a bit better for you because you can adjust sugar levels and there is no crap ingredients in it. This polenta cake made with olive oil is a point in question. I've never made a cake with polenta before but boy was it amazing. Full of good things, with lemon and orange zests taking centre stage. My family gave it 10 out of 10, and perfect for gluten intolerant folk, which is an added bonus.
I also made some rosemary and rock salt bread, I know, very cottagecore. It looks fantastic, no? It was dry and horrible. Although the Mr chomped his way through it. What was left I blitzed into breadcrumbs to avoid any waste. They freeze quite well so all was not lost.

Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...