Sunday, 28 November 2021

Snowed In But Keeping Busy


We managed a brief outing to Bakewell this morning, to get some fresh air and to enjoy a local Christmas event at the agricultural centre. Mulled wine, big eyed reindeer and a few pennies spent, back home before the snow descended again, to crack on with some work.

I have been extra busy chalk painting my kitchen cupboards. Still quite a lot to do before I'm finished but I have managed to fit in a little time to work on a crochet housecoat. I have been inspired by some very expensive garments I spied on line at Bergdorf Goodman and Anthropologie. Plus a rather beautiful painting of Iris Tree courtesy of Philip Mould.

The snow globe view at the top of this post is a view from one of our lounge windows. A Mountain Ash which until a few days ago was covered in red berries, now providing some much needed food for our lovely birds. I'm glad we didn't cut it back too soon.

Keep warm and safe my chickadees.

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Country House Style Curtains

 Oh my, these curtains have been a long time coming. What with one thing or another. And in truth they are not exactly the way they should have been. BUT, I bloomin love them. The tiny ditsy flowers remind me of the heritage designs that Laura Ashley did so well, sadly no longer available. They complete my bedroom revamp and I couldn't be happier.

So today I have started on a little freshen up in the kitchen, featuring some lush Annie Sloan paint.  This really will be my last job in the house for the forseeable future. It's only taken five years to totally transform the house. What ever will she do next? I hear you cry. Well of course I have other things to be getting on with, which I'll share with you shortly.  

Have a great weekend everyone.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

A Baking Weekend


I did a little bit of home baking at the weekend. I know not why I suddenly had a hankering for a Jamiacan pattie, but I did, and managed to find several recipes on line. I have to own up to not really being a pastry maker but shop bought has palm oil in and anyhoo I needed to add curry powder and tumeric to my pattie pastry. Well my friends they were delicious. I have frozen half of the spicy beef filling for another time as I had too much. I'm thinking they would go down very well with mulled wine. No?

I also made some of my old favourite savoury biscuits, known as 'Nutters' in our household. Parmesan and ground almonds make these nibbles fantastic with drinks, so very good for the upcoming festivities.

We've also harvested some salsify this week. The seeds were free with a gardening magazine a while back. I roasted some up and they were very similar to parsnip but perhaps a tad sweeter and drier. Off course I have kept the one that looks like a Mandrake, not wishing to upset any fairie folk.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Small Drops Of Thrifty Joy


I've not always been a big fan of Chrysanthemums, they have a bad reputation, strangely brought about I think by their virtue of longevity. Garage flowers. But actually they should be celebrated for that reason, good value blooms, that can look elegant and joyful. I purchased mine from Sarah Raven, they arrived late and were very late to flower, but I'm bowled over by their beautiful soft colours. Not cheap but I'm hoping to over winter them in the greenhouse, where as they die back I can harvest some seeds. I have a vision of an enormous bed of them, I'll be able to fill the house with them next Autumn and who knows may even be able to sell a few to my local florist.

The Mr has started to harvest his beetroot crop, so this week I have revisited an old thrifty recipe of mine which you can find on my sidebar. Beetroot dip. Devoured by us atop some wonderful cous cous, with haloumi and warmed pitta breads. Cooking once and eating twice, we had the remainder of the cous cous last night with fried eggs, tremendous.

And last but not least we are going to The Ritz cinema soon to see the new Wes Anderson film. I can't wait.

Happy thrifting my friends.

Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...