Wednesday, 10 November 2021

A Baking Weekend


I did a little bit of home baking at the weekend. I know not why I suddenly had a hankering for a Jamiacan pattie, but I did, and managed to find several recipes on line. I have to own up to not really being a pastry maker but shop bought has palm oil in and anyhoo I needed to add curry powder and tumeric to my pattie pastry. Well my friends they were delicious. I have frozen half of the spicy beef filling for another time as I had too much. I'm thinking they would go down very well with mulled wine. No?

I also made some of my old favourite savoury biscuits, known as 'Nutters' in our household. Parmesan and ground almonds make these nibbles fantastic with drinks, so very good for the upcoming festivities.

We've also harvested some salsify this week. The seeds were free with a gardening magazine a while back. I roasted some up and they were very similar to parsnip but perhaps a tad sweeter and drier. Off course I have kept the one that looks like a Mandrake, not wishing to upset any fairie folk.


  1. Your posts always intrigue me so.... I have never heard of a Jamaican patty before...but you had me at curry LOL. I looked up the recipe and I just may have to try making them. They sound like they may be a relative of our pasties here... Your biscuits (cookies) look and sound tempting as well. I've been on a baking kick myself again lately and thought to do a quick post about it, but haven't had the time. Ha the mandrake wanna-be.... And, nope, haven't heard of salsify either....Then again, I'm not a huge fan of parsnips so perhaps I haven't been missing out. ~Robin~

    1. Hi Robin, I'm so pleased that you find things on my blog that you haven't experienced before. One of the amazing things about blog world and blog friends. Jean x

  2. Ooooo mulled wine, yum! I have some stashed away ready for Christmas, lol. Your bakes looks yummy and yes, that does look like a mandrake, lol

    1. Hi Maggie, thanks for dropping by. I have just discovered two bottles of mulled wine I didn't kknow I had. Happy Days. Jean x

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