Sunday, 9 August 2020

Mushroom Surprise

The surprise is you can make a delicious mushroom soup from a packet of semi manky mushrooms.

The excess and unused mushrooms were in the fridge because as I was purchasing a big brown bag of mixed mushrooms from the Farmers Market, the mister was picking up a pack from Sainsburys.
We ate the FM ones pretty quickly but the pack stayed in the fridge for way too long. I was going to throw them away but thought if I peeled them they may still be useful and safe to eat :)

Well, I googled a recipe as I've never made mushroom soup before and it turned out wonderfully. The mister on finishing his bowl said "I'd pay good money for that in a restaurant", which says it all really.

Ingredients serves 2

Large knob of butter or olive oil
1 medium finely chopped onion
Pack of mushrooms sliced
Dried sage to taste
1 large clove garlic crushed
500ml veg stock
100ml milk
Chopped fresh parsley


Fry onions gently for approx 5 minutes to soften, not brown.
Add mushrooms and sage cook 10 minutes stirring all the while.
Add garlic and cook for a minute or so.
Remove a few mushrooms for garnish and set aside on a plate.
Pour in stock bring to boil remove from heat and blend with a hand blender, (be careful if still really hot).
Add milk heat through, garnish with parsley and saved mushrooms and serve.

Let me know if you gve it a try.


  1. I am very partial to mushroom soup and up to now never found a recipe that was much good. They were either tasteless or full of exotic ingredients making it an expensive soup and far from exciting in taste. This one sounds straightforward so I shall give it a bash when the heat here abates. keep well Amanda x

  2. It sounds delicious. We rarely have unused mushrooms in the house as there's only me who likes them so I tend to buy just the amount I need. I do love them though, I can't understand why anyone wouldn't like them.


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