Monday, 1 August 2016

The Innocent

This is a fairly old pic of our puss Pendragon, taken at the last house. She looks like butter wouldn't melt, eh?

She's supposed to be a British Shorthair, but her long and abundant fur grows in deep layers across her body. Said fur needs brushing to remove the excess, but will she let us do it? Definitely not! She is outraged at what she thinks is manhandling.

The latest spat came when I thought I should cut her claws. We haven't found a new local vet for her yet so I thought it would be less traumatic for her and cheaper for us if I did it. I looked on line and found a video of a vet clipping the claws of  a very chilled out puss. That looks easy, I thought. I'll go and buy some special cat claw clippers and all will be well. Fat chance! It took three attempts, with me wearing gardening gloves to protect my skin and I still haven't managed to get her dew claws done yet.

Such a grumpy cat, but we love her of course.


  1. We had a grumpy grey cat too at one time ... peevish just didn't come near it! He was a rescue cat, very smart, a shorthair, but he wouldn't allow you to pick him up - we think he was half ferel, but oh, such a smart cat (in appearance ... not in his brain, he couldn't even master the use of the cat flap!)
    By the way, please explain your title Shrimpton & Perfect? No idea what this means, unless it's your combined surnames!
    Margaret P

    1. Elizabeth Shrimpton and Dr. Perfect are a couple of my ancestors on my Father's side. Through their lineage I'm descended from William the Conqueror and John of Gaunt. All very exciting. Well, for me anyway.

  2. I don't think my cat would take too kindly to any attempt to trim his claws; even brushing him is fraught with danger.

    1. What rascals cats are. The thing is she lets the vet do it. Not happily, but without any claw or hissing action going on.


  3. Your cat is adorable; I love that picture! I cut Lilly's claws often although she is not happy about it. I wrap her like a burrito in an old towel and pull out each claw to be clipped. Sometimes I put a few kernals of her food next to her to calm her down. I wish you the best, Pat

  4. Your 'grumpy' cat is adorable. :-)

  5. Cutting cat claws is as much fun a s pulling your own teeth out, the last time I did it with someone the cat was wrapped in a towel, but still peed all over the floor. It's a lot cheaper than the vet though!


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...