Thursday, 18 August 2016

Gaia's Bounty

image via
Our home grown produce has taken a while to come through this season because of delays caused by the house move. We haven't planted as much either, but the little we have is being used as quickly as it's coming up. Sadly I can't see we will need to freeze any surplus.

I had thought being in a cooler region now (in the Peak District), it would be more difficult to grow veg or fruit that need a good deal of sun. Imagine my surprise when our next door neighbour Ted knocked on the back door with two home grown peaches for us.

The mister took this pic, he's called it 'Peaches in the Peak'.

In other news, I recently went to a rather jolly herbal workshop, hosted by a very knowledgeable local lass. My son came with me so it made the day extra special.

We were taught how to make face and body lotions, bath melts and Winter syrups. The tutor had a vast range of essential oils, I used the more unusual Frankincense, Violet, Clary Sage and Sweet Birch amongst others.

The whole experience was a delight and of course the knowledge gained invaluable. I shall definitely be making some fruity soothing syrups for the colder months.

Welcome to my latest follower Beth. Always nice to know the clan is growing.


  1. Your garden's offerings look yummy. We came home from vacation to find our tomato plants has been eaten by a huge worm. They've come back to life now. The workshop you attended sounds fabulous; fun times. Have a great day, Pat

  2. I'd love to do a herbal workshop, they simply don't seem to happen here though.

  3. Despite everyone saying how easy they are to grow and have not managed to get a plant to survive so well done you! That workshop sounds fabulous.

  4. I ate my first home-grown Peach yesterday. Small but delicious.

  5. That sounds like a wonderful workshop and I love the sound of the oils you used, especially clary sage. And you still have a better crop of tomatoes than I do! I am still waiting for the first ones to go red!

  6. Sounds very interesting and I bet it smelled gorgeous. the best bit for me is that your son came with you! precious time

  7. Do you know I’ve never eaten a home-grown peach? Mr. Sainsbury’s tries but his best is never as good as the real thing. I loved all the pics. Barbara x


Happy International Women's day

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