Friday, 24 June 2016

The Village?

We think we may have found the village we want to live in. We've already viewed The Manor House. Beautiful old building, circa 1670, utterly charming but needing at least 100k spending on it to bring it back to life. That's on top of the pretty hefty price tag. We decided on balance that even if we could afford to buy it, it would be a complete drain on us both physically and financially for probably the next 3 years. As we want to start a new business as well that's not gonna work for us.

We discovered the charms of this village whilst enjoying their open garden weekend. It's a very good way of getting the feel of a place, and also is a splendid opportunity to do a bit of snooping.

The village is well known for it's artistic, slightly bonkers collective personality and so is right up our street.

We're viewing a more modest house this afternoon and I'm hoping it will suit us. I'll let you know.


  1. How very exciting! I am looking forward to seeing more pics of the village of your choice. The glimpses you have given us here does make it interesting.

    keep well

    Amanda x

  2. You might be wise to hold on for a while; that Manor House might drop in price, enough to make it a much more interesting prospect.

  3. Good luck in your search.

  4. You just described me perfectly.. artistic and slightly bonkers. Perhaps I should move there too :-)

  5. Hello Jean!!! Thought about you today during the Uckfield knitting group since your house hunting exploits were mentioned. Hope a home presents itself soon. House hunting can become a drudgery after the first 20 no-goes.


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...