Thursday, 12 May 2016

Here I am & Here I go again............................probably.

North versus South,
East versus West.
A great divide and debate over which side is best.
Yet one thing has slipped our minds,
A verse left from the middle.
What about the people who are living in the middle?!

                          ( Joe Tierney via BBC news magazine 2009)

And the answer is, they're having a bloomin good time. The Mr and I have finally done it. We've left our softy southern ways behind and turned into Peaky Blinders. We're not quite up to the gravy on chips stage yet but we are definitely enjoying everything the Peak District has to offer. 

We have been here for about 10 weeks now and the search is on for a fabulous country house. I fear this may take some time as budget and extreme fussiness will have an impact.

The picture of our modest rental house above does make it look a tad like a Jacobean Mansion but I can assure you it is not. We are a little bit squished inside, although that does help with the ongoing de-cluttering.

Life is suddenly very exciting. Which is why its good to have a calming view down the lane.


  1. Sounds like you're on a fun adventure. I wish you the best with your house hunting. It's so good to hear from you! Pat xx

  2. Can't wait to share your discoveries / possibilities / journey ;)

  3. It is lovely to find you back in this space again - I am a Derbyshire girl born and bred, and will be heading up there next week for my annual jaunt.
    Good luck finding yourself a new home, there are some lovely properties in the area.

  4. I shall be reading with interest... we are at a similar stage in our lives, wondering what to do for the best. Good luck with your new exciting life. xx

  5. Good luck with your house hunt! X

  6. Good to see you back in blogworld from a different part of the real world.
    You say your rental is small but it looks lovely and I bet it's bigger than our teeny bungalow!
    Will follow your house hunt with interest


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...