Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Mother Nature's Jewels

You would be forgiven for thinking this image was a close up of an intricate gem stone necklace, but it's not. It's actually something you can eat. I know extraordinary isn't it?

It's glass gem corn an amazing cross breed corn that is nearly translucent. It's not a sweet corn so you can't munch it as is. But it can be popped and ground for polenta and cornbread. I think it's quite dazzling. The seed is sold through a non-profit seed conservation organisation called Native Seeds/SEARCH.

Isn't Mother Nature wonderful? And look she can write too.

If you would like her to write to you pop over to this site and find out how to get in touch.


  1. Hi: You are right Mother Nature is wonderful. Thanks for stopping by. As for your question about my favorite tea cup. Not sure, I have a handful that are special to me. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

    1. Hi Martha, not your fav tea cup. What's your fav tea? I don't think you could possibly have a fav cup amongst all those beauties.

      Jean x

  2. Wow they are so bright! I'm growing a mixed colour corn for popping but northing as bright as that.

  3. I fancy doing some moss graffiti! I checked out the method and it seems quite easy - trouble is, the neighbours will think I'm even battier than they already thought.

  4. Just think of the things you could write with that moss graffiti!
    The corn is amazing.

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks for following and leaving a comment. I'm straight over to your blog.

      Jean x

  5. How amazing, you would think it couldn't be natural! Liking the moss graffiti. Was watching a guy do it on Supergarden last night but fell asleep before the bug reveal! Who knows, it could be one for the Auburns.


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...