Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Adventures in Iceland

So before we went there was much talk of how expensive everything is in Iceland. I wouldn't say it is more expensive then any other European city, certainly cheaper than Paris and comparable with Rome. And let's face it if you do your homework before you go there are bargains to be had where ever you travel.

We found a really good package deal for the trip through Secret Escapes. This included two excursions and free admission to a fabulous local swimming complex with hot thermal pools, bed (muchly comfortable), breakfast (totally tasty), flights and transfers.

The hotel was very IKEAish but no less lovely because of it.

our room had it's own calendar
and a lovely bucolic image with slightly unsettling text concerning slaughter time for sheep
The hotel was perfect for a short stay of three nights and although small and minimalist it worked just fine.

We found our way around very quickly and the Icelandic folk are very friendly and keen to help with directions and information. We even managed to take the bus out of town to a rather fine old wool mill, more of that later.


  1. Interesting.... It's a place I've always wanted to visit. Xx

  2. I am going to check out their website - I like the Ikea look, it suits Scandinavia. Have you noticed the way they always have lots of candles flickering away all the time. It is something to do with their long dark nights, however, soon they will be daylight for nearly 24 hours.
    My son has just left Norway after 5 years, and Norway is very expensive. He is always telling me that a small size Mars bar costs £2 there.


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...