Sunday, 25 August 2013


A few weeks ago when I asked the Mister to get up at the crack of dawn to help me at a boot fair I told him that it would "definitely be the last time". But actually I find I still have stuff that I need to let go, quite nice bits and bobs but not really beautiful or useful, to me anyway. So tomorrow morning will absolutely be the last time we will need to sell stuff at a booty. From now on I pledge to only buy what I need or can't live without. (Did you notice my crafty proviso there?)

Only this week I had thought that I was in 'need' of a trug to ferry our vegetables up from the greenhouse and veg beds, but on looking about me I discovered I had a perfectly good vintage basket that would do the trick. Pretty too eh?

So no need to waste money or clutter the house up with additional stuff. So much better to use what you have already, it's not exactly a hardship after all. And it does feel very good to be decluttering and stream lining things.

Once this last batch of clutter is gone I can crack on with repurposing my studio space and get on with the task of deciding how I'm going to make a living in the future, now that I have left my job of eight years. The stress and angst had finally reached an unacceptable level and working there was making me very unhappy and at times unwell. I'm changing tack and in the next few weeks will put a lot of thought and consideration into what my next steps will be.

I'm thinking physical space will help with some mental space.


  1. I hope you keep a little corner specially for those things you can't live without - I'm sure your good taste will ensure that are beautiful AND useful!

    1. Thanks for your faith in me Nilly. I only bought some LPs at the boot fair this morning some for me and some as a present for a friend.
      Jean x

  2. Good luck for the future and well done for leaving a job that you hated.


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...