Wednesday 24 July 2013

Liberty Window Displays Back in the Day

Hello dear reader, did you know Liberty have a wonderful craft blog? In truth it is really mostly about Liberty products and their shameless promotion of said products. Yes, yes, so far all very interesting but occasionally they come up with a little gem.

I absolutely adore this 1946 window display 'From Arsenic to old lace'. So of it's time, truly elegant even though they probably didn't have much in the way of stock, being just after the war and all.

And how sweet is this 1954 display? The column of fabric swathes has a welcome home message for Her Maj, who had just returned from Australia. Ah me those were the days, let's bring them back I say, sweet simplicity.


  1. A craft blog, you say? I must look at it, thank you for the link.

    Those window displays are so different from the current sort.

  2. Makes me feel so young - I only remember Liberty window displays from the '60s!


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