Monday, 24 September 2012

Family Affair

Ah me, all good things must come to an end. Such a shame. 

My eldest brother John and his wife Dottie left this morning after spending five nights and four days with us. It's been heavenly. 

They are going on to Spain then Las Vegas and finally Honolulu before returning to their home in Australia.

I have been very excited about their visit and thought hard about planning an itinerary that would give them the best of English experiences whilst they were here with us. 

I wanted all of our outings to be within close proximity of where we are based in Sussex.

When they arrived last Wednesday I made a melt in the mouth beef curry, and we had the inaugural lighting of our new wood burning stove. 
A cosy quiet evening of relaxation, as they had been travelling all over Britain to see friends and family.

Here are some of the highlights of their stay.

Thursday was the Jerwood Gallery in Hastings, brisk walk along the front, scrummy fish and chips and a mooch amongst the antique shops in the old town. 
And to round the day off a ride on Britain's steepest funicular railway.

Friday was the big Family get together with much scoffing in evidence, heaps of nachos, lashings of cider with a pot of Chilli the size of the London Wheel made to Mr.S&P's secret recipe.

Saturday we had glorious sunshine as we chuffed our way through the countryside on the Bluebell Railway.

That's me on the left, John in the middle and our boy Jack on the right, who hadn't seen his Uncle John in over eleven years. Can you see the big smiles on our faces?

We had afternoon tea at home later on that day, but managed a very swift half gazing at the gorgeous view in the tremendous beer garden at The Griffin Inn, Fletching on the way home.

In the evening we took them to see The Sweeney at the Local Picture House, and introduced them to Mr. Winstone at his most charming.
And of course on our last day together we reminisced, and talked about family times and history. 

We dovetailed a visit to Charleston Farmhouse, 

with a  superb supper at The Ram Inn, Firle.

The only sadness and one regret of this whole wonderful family experience was the sudden death of my middle brother Jim who died on August 12th, just as John left Australia, on his way to us.

Here they are together, with Jim in our Mother's arms.

1 comment:

  1. A lovely post, happy and sad at the same time - such is life. By the way, on our recent trip to Sussex I couldn't believe my ears when Mr N revealed he'd never heard of The Bluebell Railway.


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