Wednesday 16 October 2024

A Few Pics of Portugal

The Mr and I recently spent eight days in Portugal staying in old historical buildings or Pousadas as they are known. Three different buildings, a Royal Guard barracks attached to an old palace, a hospital and a very old monastery. Most of the time spent there was very charming and so I thought I would post just a few pics. Do have a close look at the tiles, eighteenth century I believe and the subject? why, The Chicken's Wedding, natch.


  1. I love The Chicken''s Wedding - such detail.
    The huge tree is wonderful. Is it an olive?

    1. The magnificent tree was in a very old hilltop village called Obidos, founded in 308BC. I'm not really sure what the tree was but definitely not an Olive as too big. I felt a tremendous energy from it.

  2. What wonderful buildings, I have never been to Portugal, it looks a beautiful place to visit.

  3. Ha ha....LOVE the tiles - and the chicken in the carriage just cracked me up for some reason. I was in Portugal years and years...and years...ago. A beautiful country and beautiful people. How I wish I could have had your lodging arrangements - WOW! I stayed in hostels...and not of the pleasant variety LOL. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. ~Robin~

  4. Lovely photographs from your eight days spent in Portugal.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks jan. I could do with some of that sunshine now.

  5. I love the Chicken's wedding too. We visited the Tile Museum in Lisbon and came away totally smitten. So many wonderful old tiles with beautiful images.


A Few Pics of Portugal

The Mr and I recently spent eight days in Portugal staying in old historical buildings or Pousadas as they are known. Three differ...