Sunday, 21 January 2024

A Mindfullness De-clutter

I have been 'at it again'. Decluttering that is, selling, gifting and recycling. Because we hope to be moving this year I have been quite brutal in letting go off stuff I have had around me for years. It's always that feeling of, I'll hang on to that just in case. But no, I have taken bags of paper and cardboard items to the recycling centre, including very nice work references that go all the way back to my first jobs. My wedding cards and old anniversary cards, all gone. I have donated home wares and tons of books to various local charity shops, who I have to say have been very grateful for my donations. I hope they will be just as happy to receive about 200 CD's tomorrow, I did mention I'm being ruthless? It feels good!! I also Freegled my hand made crochet kimono housecoat which I made last year. I hoped it would go to someone who has had the heating reduced in their home and it did.
I gave it a wash on the wool cycle and it came up beautifully. A lot of people responded but it went to a good home. Yesterday I decided to clear out my herb and spice drawer. My goodness what a lot of out dated spices and herbs. Juniper berries BB 2015, shocking I know.
I've decided that in future I'll buy spice and herb blends, in that way I think they will be used more quickly with less waste. I've put a few things on Ebay and Marketplace and hopefully they will sell and pay for my latest 'must have'. I've ordered an Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser, a Valentine's present for the Mr and I. It's made by Dualit so I know it is good quality and will last, our Dualit toaster has been going for twenty three years.
I joined their VIP list, (for free) and got a £30 discount, plus £7.00 off their chocolate flakes. Very exciting. Anyone else decluttering?


  1. Yes! This year I will decluttering also, I have already done quite a bit and have a basket full of things to list on FB and ebay already. My spice draw was the same when I did it just before Christmas, lol. And someone got a lovey cardigan to keep the cold out, It's hard letting go of some things isn't it? I threw out all my old cards when I did the loft last year, I only keep what the grandkids make me now. After my mum died two years ago and we were clearing her bungalow we found two big boxes of cards up the loft, (amongst many pairs of curtains and countless handbags), I said then that I wasn't going to keep anything like that anymore, It only leaves work for others in the end.
    I'm not good at getting rid of books and CD's though, lol

    1. Good on you Maggie. Books are hard to give away aren't they? I only buy and keep books that are special to me or are used for reference, the rest I get from the library. I pay a small fee as they are usually transferred from another branch, it also gives the library a tiny bit of money too.

  2. I'm reading several blogs where the bloggers are making great decluttering and purging efforts. It is something I so desperately need to do but can't seem to accomplish. So very glad that your kimono found a good, deserving, home. ~Robin~

    1. Hello my friend, it's so nice to hear from you. I have been thinking about you of late.

  3. Decluttering is something I must do but I have to persuade the other half that it's a good idea. He's quite resistant! Moving is a good reason but we're not doing that.

    1. Yes, I'm lucky my husband is mostly in agreement with my efforts. Apart from his boxes of really old photos and old bikes.

  4. I always think the New Year can be a good time to de-clutter.
    I did sort out some books recently to take to some local charity shops ... we've also probably got a few CD's that could be included in the donation bag too.

    All the best Jan

    1. I took the CDs this morning, they were very happy with them.

  5. There's nothing quite like a house move to make you declutter, haha. We went through it all a couple of years ago but you do find that things start to find their way back in again and before you know it you're ready for another purge. I'm glad your housecoat went to a good home, I'm sure it will keep someone lovely and warm. I've been looking at a Velvetiser but I doubt it would get much use here with me the only hot chocolate drinker. I don't think I'd use it enough to justify the price. Do let us know how you get on with it.

    1. I will let you know. I think it will serve us well, as I believe you can make cafe au lait etc which is a fav of our son. One of my chums has one and she says it's amazing.

  6. Well done on doing such a ruthless declutter, Jean. I should actually take a leaf out of your book, but it's still a case of I'll hang on to that just in case for me ...
    I'm glad that gorgeous crochet housecoat went to a good home and I'm loving the sound of that Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser ... xxx

    1. I don't think you're a declutter person, you're a curator.

  7. I have been in a decluttering mode for the past couple of years, so am pressing on. When my son was moving out and throwing away, he kept saying, "I have no memories!" Sometimes I lie to myself and say those same words.

    1. On going decluttering is a good thing, it means like me, you think about how your life is changing and what you really need or want.


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