Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Naked Chef Turns Into Thrifty Chef

Hello my lovely blogging chums and a warm welcome to my new follower Marlene Jones. I do so love it when I find someone else has joined my little online family. It's encouraging to think my thoughts and tips are of interest to like minded folk. I've always felt that the blogs I follow 'understand' me and offer up little gems that make me happy and usually enlighten me in some way. I 'get' Instagram but I don't subscribe as I like a bit more depth to my online connections. Anyway my friends have you all been watching Jamie Oliver's new series £1 wonders? I'm very impressed with it. The Mr has been on to the website mentioned on the show and has printed off all the recipes.
I kinda feel Jamie is cooking from the heart with this series and I think it will help a lot of people eat well and I'm sure it will give some confidence to those who perhaps have not cooked very much before. All the meals are balanced, tasty and not overly complicated, here is a quick pancake dish. I wouldn't say every recipe is for me but my goodness I will be making a few and I'll let you folks know how I get on. Some of his cooking and thrifty tips are just as good as the concept cookery. His way of making an integral white sauce is very clever, time saving and energy saving and the best, less washing up. It's made me re-evaluate how I cook and how even though I think I know it all, I can still learn more. The Mr has a fresh lemon drink every morning and now he has to zest the washed peel for me and put it in the freezer, because it is great for adding to my roasted vegetable cous cous and will also be great for cake mixes and other things. More taste less waste and no extra cost. (Apologies for my text being a little squashed up but Blogger is playing me up at the moment).


  1. I haven't watched it ... no Channel 4 here, but I guess it'll make it to Belgium eventually. Will have to have a peek at the website. Thanks for the tip, Jean! xxx

  2. I don't watch cooking programs but thanks for the tip about the lemon, I too drink lemon water in the morning and will be zesting from now on๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    1. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Very easy to do and adds another level of flavour to things.

  3. No idea even who he is, but it sounds like something I'd love. I watched the video you provided and it looked awesome. Yes, please do keep us posted on recipes you try and like - and little tips are always appreciated. You're right, we're never too old to learn. ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

  4. Interesting and if it helps more people to eat well, so much the better.

  5. We haven't got that new show of Jamie's over here as yet Jean. Not that I am aware of anyway. I just adore Jamie & the way he seems to really love what he does. He is always fun to watch. xx

  6. I haven't watched it but the zesting is such a great tip. We can all do with little money saving ideas at the moment, especially when they help in other ways too.


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...