Thursday, 8 September 2022

A Time To Plant A Time To Reap


Harvesting as much as we can at the moment, and freezing any surplus for the winter months. We bought a modest chest freezer a while back now so nothing we grow is wasted, well that's the intention anyway. No waste and mindful consumption are nowadays even more important, although I have to say I have always been a bit thrifty. Not "tighter than two coats of paint" as a colleague once described herself, but wanting to do the right thing.

I have made a few Sale purchasers this week, from the Glyndebourne online shop which I'm very pleased with. A few early Christmas stocking fillers and a gorgeous velvet sky blue evening bag for me, reduced from £85 to £22, the website price said £55 but when it arrived I could see it had an original price of £85.  I have a very sweet vintage 1940s evening bag that I used a lot when I was a wee bit younger, that will be sold and hopefully reimburse me for the money spent on the new bag.

We had to lay some turf last weekend to cover an ugly area in our garden. It looks very nice and tidy now and the recent rains have delivered on cue to water it in, which in itself has saved us a lot of money in water fees. We had some excess turf left over so we have given some to an elderly man, 94years, through our gardener, who had layed some turf recently for him, but he had failed to water it and it has died. I suspect it was far too hot for the man to be out watering lawn. The rest we sold to a local couple at a reduced price, they were so happy as it saved them a trip to B&Q and also saved them a good deal of money. 

Happy Days.


  1. It's always good to do a good turn, save someone some money and make a little back yourself too. Everyone's a winner.

  2. It is wise to be thrifty. Maybe only up to a point...but wise. The berries look oh-so-delicious. Proud you will be of them next winter!

  3. Oh those berries look incredibly yummy. And fresh is always the very best, they will be almost as good mid-winter. I think a good many of us are becoming more thrifty these days. Condolences on the loss of your beloved Queen from across the pond. 😢 ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes Robin. I adore the Royal family and Queen Elizabeth has a special place in my heart. A lot of folk are upset about her death including me, but I hope she has been reunited with the love of her life, her Prince. xx

  4. Those berries look absolutely delicious and I bet they taste even better knowing that you've grown and harvested them.
    Well done on your sales purchases, being a bit thrifty is more than ok! xxx


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