Wednesday, 23 December 2020

A Simple Wish


A simple wish for all my blogging chums,  I hope you all manage to find some joy and peace at the end of this most terrible year, the likes of which I sincerely hope we never see again.

I know we will all be hunkering down to send this year on it's way, looking forward to a fresh start in 2021.

 My dearest friend of many years who had been ill throughout November, passed away on December 12th. For years she has been my shadow, she is already greatly missed.

 This is us in 2015 at a Salute to the 40s event at Chatham Docks. Me a land army girl and her a factory worker. She was an extraordinary women in so many ways.



  1. I am so sorry for your sad news. It's hard to lose those we love at any time of year but seem particularly poignant so close to Christmas. Yes, we'll be glad to kick 2020 out of the door. x

  2. I'm so sorry to read this, Jean. Sending love and warm wishes this Christmastime. X

  3. So sorry to hear of your loss. Wishing you and your family a very safe and peaceful Christmas. Amanda x

  4. So sorry for your loss. I think everyone will be glad to see the back of this year, lets hope next year will be a much better one for all of us. Take care

  5. So very sorry to read of the loss of your friend. I hope that soon you find more comfort in your memories of her than sorrow at the thought of her passing. Wishing you a season full of blessings ~Robin~


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...