Friday, 14 April 2017

Our Home

Where have I been? Well dear readers we collected the keys to our new home at the end of January. In Estate Agent speak, there is an "opportunity to improve the house". Yeah, thirty years of neglect of an opportunity. But that aside, I'm beyond thrilled. Oh and knackered, of course. I've been working on the huge task of renovating the house, bit by bit. My hands look like I've been building roads :)

It is a good size house in a fantastic location, but it's the views that lift it to another level. I'll show you some 'befores' today and will show you some 'afters' very soon.

The second pic is of the master bedroom, which is the only room that has been completely refurbed so far, just now I'm working on painting the original oak kitchen. Everything needs a least 3 coats of paint so it's taking longer than I thought, but it's coming on a treat.


  1. Oooooooooooooh, stunning view - even from the main bedroom :D

    Congratulations. New home, new beginnings, new excitement. I'm so happy for you.

    I feel for your hands, but, no doubt when we see the "after" pics we will understand what caused the "damage".

    So exciting...

  2. Oh many congratulations! Your house looks like it is a wonderful location. It looks like a very satisfying project as well. Funnily enough we have been looking at a completely different type of house than we originally wanted but it has those fabulous views! Good luck with all the painting - cant wait to see some more pics. Shauna.x

  3. Wow that's some view! Can't wait to see more xx

  4. After too much manual hard labour my hands tend to look like Walls Pork sausages. Yup, that view is certainly worth the effort. Looking forward to seeing the 'after' pix.

  5. Wonderful location - look forward to seeing the completed job, as I am sure you do too.

  6. Looking good, and wonderful views!

  7. Just re-found your blog again after losing you when we both moved!
    Fantastic views and rather you than me with the renovations! Our new home still need paint but not too much else......thank heavens.

  8. Hello Jean, gosh what a stunning view you have. You sure have been busy - renovating is such hard work. But imagine the fun you will have decorating the rooms when it is all done. Hope you have a super weekend. Take care Jean.


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...