Monday, 16 May 2016

Weekend In The Peaks

Sadly there were no new properties to view this weekend. Although the Mr did point out an absolute corker that had already sold. Mixed feelings about that, mmmmm.

I'm telling myself the perfect house will present itself and there must be a good reason why it hasn't just yet. We've really only been here for a short while but unfortunately I'm not known for my patience. Note to self, must try harder.

We enjoyed the beautiful weather at the weekend and went for a 6 mile walk along side the Cromford Canal. Apart from the subsequent aches and pains, (I really must get more exercise), it was an absolute pleasure.

Beautiful dappled sunlight through the surrounding woodland keeping us cool and tons of wildlife and interesting folk to gawp at. Nearly everyone that passed us along the route spoke to us. I heard my first "how do".

Towards the end of the walk we came across a fantastic period house that strangely made me feel a bit emotional. It was picture perfect and it was literally stopping people mid stride. It had a for sale sign on its side wall, but as it turned out that was for the smaller house behind it. Darn it!!!!!!!

It was just the sort of house I could imagine Beatrix Potter living in and instead of the hens we saw on the very well mown lawn, I could imagine rabbits in little blue jackets. Bonkers, me? No.

Saturday night we took a short drive to Tideswell village to see a play being performed in the Church of Saint John the Baptist. Known as the Cathedral of the Peak. A magnificent building and perfect for the performance.

 'The God Particle' is written by James Cary who co wrote BBC 1's Miranda series amongst other things. It was clever, surprising and funny without trying too hard. The story begins with a vicar and a scientist meeting in a bar.

It was a sell out at the Edinburgh Fringe and I urge you to see it if you get the chance. Pop over to the website for tour details.


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend even though your house hunting wasn't successful. I loved seeing the photos of the period house; beautiful! Wishing you a wonderful week, Pat

  2. Jean are you still in Sussex? I know you didnt blog for a while and hows Willie

    1. No David, we're not still in Sussex. (Previous post).

      Willie I dunno. He comments on a few blogs but not mine anymore. He stopped following me well over a year ago. Was it something I said? again, I dunno. Don't ever try to offend but perhaps I did, or maybe not enough cats on my blog. Also I don't like pink! Hope you enjoy the season at Eastbourne, and glad to hear your health has improved. Take care


Happy International Women's day

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