Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Haslam System of Dresscutting - Part Two

The last time I wrote about the notions and sewing skills of Miss. G. A. Haslam was in 2011. If you missed it you can still read it here. It has been so popular I can't quite believe it. So I thought three years has gone by, it must be time for some more Haslam. Who said I was slow on the uptake?

Lots of folk are giving hand made and upcycling a bash now, and that pleases me no end. Creativity is always a good thing in my book, regardless of what you do or how well you do it. Having said that I wouldn't want to wear a garment I'd sown.

But if you are one of those clever people like Lazy Daisy Jones, then you could probably glean enough info from this post to cut out a vintage pattern and make something really special. I hope so.

Miss. Haslam's tip for making this coat is, "Trace the pattern for the flared hip pieces and cut on each line. The two lower portions should be cut one and a half inches above the top of the pattern, to allow each to overlap. Allow one inch turnings at the lower edge, fold under and tack, machine. Fix each piece in position and machine to the coat".

Hopefully that means something to someone.

This costume coat design is from her Teenager and Junior Miss book of draftings. When I look at images like this I sometimes wish that Jeans had not been adopted so readily as stylish everyday wear. Even though I have to admit they are my own default choice of clothing most days.

Hello and welcome to John who is my latest Google Friend Connect Follower, you can find his delightful musings here.


  1. I just love those vintage patterns! As a novice sewer I am so envious of people who can just whizz up something beautiful on a sewing machine. I think we/I would all appreciate our own body image more realistically if we/I sewed instead of attempting to reconcile ourselves to looking like those weird shop mannequins!

  2. Have to pass on this one Jean being a bloke and all that

  3. HeHe! David...! I'm a bloke...Well, l was this morn'in....
    So, l'm NOT gonna pass on this one....
    Fashion etc..Is not just a ladies thing...Lot of blokes
    are starting to take more care of themselves! Even l,
    bath twice a year now! :>). Nowt like a bar of Carbolic!

    One thing l will say...HeHe! Try and stop me!
    I don't do jeans...I really hate them...I have a pair in the
    wardrobe, worn once...When l tried them on...Can't be
    do'in with them..Though! Nice on a lady with a nice.....
    "Enough of that Willie" "Sorry",

    The ladies..up top there...look very nice, very smart...
    Love the long coats...Very Regency...!
    So! There you are...Willie Wine...(ex top model, catwalk
    model)...Signing off....10~4 Over and out...! :>).

  4. Thank you Willie for making me laugh. Just collected my car from Kwik Fit after it's very expensive service and wasn't feeling very cheery.

    Jean x

  5. I love long stylish coats, I am assuming she is talking of seam allowances.
    I use to wear jeans a lot but cant seem to find a decent fit these days, they seem to big in the waist to fit the hips or they are have those stupid little zips and you are suppose to wear them on your hips and I seem to spend all my time hitching them up as they slide down.

  6. Jeans here as well, to be fare to myself they are strong enough to cope with the dogs jumping all over me though x


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...