Thursday, 3 July 2014

Meet The Ancestors

I'm not sure if I've bored told all you lovely blogger folk about my colourful ancestry. Don't worry I'm not gonna ramble on at length. Suffice it to say that I'm mighty proud to be descended from and related to some of our great country's monarchs, royalty and nobility. The fella on the left William the Conqueror just happens to be my 29th Great Grandfather.

Where did it all go wrong for her I hear you ask? As of course I do not possess riches beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and I couldn't be described as posh in anyway. It's that old gender chestnut, yes and alas, I'm related mainly through the female line.

All of this wonderful information was sprung upon me a few years ago and I have it on very good authority it is all true.

No surprises really, but I also have more than my fair share of family rogues.

One of my clan, a Mr. John (Jack) Shrimpton was a highwayman in the late 18th century. He eventually came to a sticky end when he murdered a night watchman, but he seems to have been kind on occasion too.

This isn't an artists impression of him but I figure he may have looked something like this. He used to work a stretch of road between Maidenhead and Reading called the Thicket, a particularly notorious and dangerous road. Seemingly people used it regardless and it was one of the busiest roads in the country with up to 90 coaches a day.

Legend has it Jack met with some bailiffs one day who were carting off some poor farmer to jail for the debt of £6.00. Jack joined with them to the next ale house and offered to pay off the man's debt, which he did. But he then waylaid the bailiffs on their way home and relieved them of his £6.00 with an additional 40 shillings to boot.

The funny thing that has prompted me to write about Jack is that I have just found out there is a bar named after him in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire. Obviously I must make a 'pilgrimage' there and soon.

I wonder if I'll get a drink on the house? I expect that will depend on whether he robbed the owners way back in the day.

Anyone offended by a corny double-entendre please look away now.

A bright welcome to Laurie, my latest Google Connect follower who blogs here


  1. Well! That's brilliant...Lovely! :).
    Though l'm glad 'this' William does'nt look anything
    like 'that' William...Though William the Conquer, is
    famous of course..And, we always remember him.
    from history at school!

    AND...A highway man..Wow! Stand and deliver....
    Said the mid~wife...HeHe!
    Oh! Something l have in common with a highway
    man...Richard (Dick) Turpin....We were born the
    same day...No! No! Willie...The same date..Turpin,
    on the 21st September 1705...1705...So, that five
    past five....And, l was found on the same date....! :>).

    HaHa! Being posh...The English are known for it.....
    Little story about two Englishmen on a dessert island.
    Been there for years...Never spoke, never spoke to each
    other...Never! Why? Why? Because they'd never been
    introduced...! :>).

    Love all the Carry On films.....Brilliant....
    Well...Your majesty....Lovely post...You can go back
    and sit on your throne....Don't use ALL the paper...! :>).

  2. I was born on the same day as Dorothy Lamour, and missed being born on Frank Sinatra's birthday by 2 days, (different years natch). I fear Frank and I share some characteristics, oh and a love of Italian white wine.

    Jean x

  3. I love family history - and not just my own. A lot of my ancestors were from John Shrimpton's "manor" but I reckon they were too poor to be of any interest to him!

  4. Those 'loveable rogue' ancestors really are the more interesting aren't they?

  5. Nice to share the family name Shrimpton.
    My ancestors came from the London clan.
    Jack Shrimpton came from the Buckinghamshire clan.
    Regards from Roger Shrimpton. County of Devon England.

    1. Hello Roger,very nice to hear from you. Thanks for leaving a comment.


  6. Interesting to hear about the rather eclectic history of the family! I can trace my part of the Shrimpton cohort to Wiltshire in the 15th century, where we were gentlemen farmers.


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...