Sunday, 16 June 2013

My Dad

My Dad, back row far right. Just 23 years of age with hair! I never knew him with hair, he was 45 when I was born.  Thinking of you today Dad, "See you in heaven" as you used to say.


  1. Wow, a boxer - two of my sons would have loved to have had him as a grandfather! You would have thought my dear Dad's trade might have interested them - he was train driver, supposedly every little boy's dream. They were unimpressed.

    1. My boy Jack only met my dad once when he was just 5 months old. What did my Dad say to him? "When you grow up I'll teach you to fight". Boys love that stuff eh?


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...