Thursday, 16 May 2013

My Glamorous Life

image via

Oh my life is terribly, terribly glamorous.

Yes, The Decorative Living Fair at Eridge this morning.

view from the terrace at Eridge Park, terribly glamorous
And tonight a drinks reception and private view at Pelham House Hotel in Lewes.

I'm so glamorous it even rubs orff on my cat Pendragon.

image via
Well that was the mood this morning before I slipped over on a camouflaged pool of cat bile and nearly broke my elbow. Holding both of my dear cat's food bowls, I didn't have a hand free to break my fall. Luckily my elbows don't appear to shatter too easily. Thank heavens.

It was probably my very unglamorous grey fleecy Wallace and Gromit dressing gown that softened the blow.

Glamour isn't everything you know.


  1. Ouch! Thank heavens for fleecy dressing gowns!
    I too went to the D L Fair at Eridge this morning, and was so happy it didn't rain like last year so we didn't need our wellies. Lots of lovely vintage goodies!
    Hope you end the day with a bit of glamour this evening!

  2. Poor you, and what an unexpected ending to the post .

  3. Poor Jean! Hope the elbow is feeling better :) xx

  4. Did you get to the Fair? It must be glamorous if the talented Caroline Zoob is involved - what a wonderful event!


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