Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Spring Crafts

Enough of thrift, time for some craft. This amazing looking wall mounted sheep's head takes needle felting to a whole new level, don't you agree? It wouldn't have looked out of place at the recent London exhibition celebrating all things wool, Wool House.
The lady who made this fantastic piece is blogging here. You can see some more images of this work and some of her very cute Dachshund, Higgins, who gets up to all sorts of mischief.

If you have been inspired by the new TV programme The Great British Sewing Bee, there are some very nice small Spring sewing projects over here . Like this T shirt bag and oil cloth lunch bag, a bit different from the norm methinks.


  1. These exquisite crafts are simply remarkable.Art enthusiasts will have to see this exhibition. It is really good that modern enterprises have adopted these designs.

    1. Hello Samantha, thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm so happy more people are waking up to the fact that craft can be amazing and so rewarding, and dare i say it exciting.

      kind regards
      jean x

  2. ~ Hello...there is a definite 'BUZZ' about the Sewing Bee.....Some thing for the girls, me thinks....What a fantastic piece you have shown above...~ Will take a browse at the blog!~ with kindest thoughts...Maria ( your newest follower) x

    1. Hello Maria, I'm very chuffed you have decided to become a follower of my blog. i will do my best to entertain and surprise you with all things Crafty, thrifty and vintage.

      Kind regards
      jean (your newest follower) x


Happy International Women's day

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