Saturday, 16 March 2013

Wool House

It's all about wool, natural, renewable and sustainable. It's a tremendous exhibition backed by The Campaign for Wool, and everybody involved in this extraordinary creation has given their time for free.

Such an inspirational event, do try and get to see it, be prepared though to get very excited about textiles and yarn.  Somerset House on the Strand until March 24th,  admission is free so you've no excuse.


  1. Wow, that looks amazing!! How wonderful everyone gave their time for free! That armchair looks super comfy!

    1. I actually sat in that divine chair, it was like getting a big hug from a teddy bear.
      Jean x

  2. I thought that I recognised the building - the sheep must be standing where the ice rink is in the winter time.

    1. Yes they are where the ice rink is situated, the exhibition is just to the right of them with it's own entrance.

      Jean x

  3. Thank you for the blog comment, looking forward to Farnham Maltings fair! Lizzie x

  4. Not sure why, but my generation (shhh - baby-boomers) seem to have forgotten how amazingly WARM wool is. I never stop shouting about it - how can they have forgotten?

    1. I know Nilly i think everyone needs reminding, it's an amazing resource.

      Jean x

  5. Isn't it a wonderful exhibition! I love your photos. I'm lucky enough to have one of my paintings in Mary Fox Linton's drawing room. I blogged about it too.


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...