Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Probably the Best Mulled Wine in the World

Eh up devoted blog followers, sorry about the break in transmission but I've been away up t'frozen north.

I'm back now to share my own mulled wine recipe with you, you lucky lot. It's for peeps who don't like mulled wine, no really. If I had a pound for every person who has drunk this concoction and said that's the best mulled wine I've tasted, I'd be in Barbados now sipping rum punch.

So this is enough for about 15 small glasses. So scale it up or down depending on the size of your party.


1 bottle red wine (plonk)
Equal measure water
I carton orange juice 
2 teaspoons mixed spice
Large handful of raisins
Sugar to taste

It's that simple, slowly heat, stir and quaff.

Any raisins not eaten are good to use in bread and butter pudding or porridge, hic.


  1. I think even I could make that. Is the carton of orange juice a litre size?

  2. Yes Rosemary. I use 'essential' or economy juices, they are under a pound each, even in Waitrose.


Happy International Women's day

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