Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Stitch it. Eat it. Sing it.

Hello blog chums. 

Had a really bad headache since yesterday, caused by two days of meetings at work followed by budget writing for 2013, yuk, mucho dreary.

But nil desperandum, chin up and all that, as now I have a couple of days off and tomorrow I'll be heading up to the Twisted Thread Show at Ally Pally. 

Six of us will be going, we are rendezvousing in the morning at the Danish pastry section in Waitrose, yes I know what you're thinking, but how else we will have the stamina to stick our noses into just about everything that catches our collective eye, without a sugar fix, oh and some caffeine.

I'll be looking for some kit to help me with my latest idea. To sew and felt some super gorgeous Christmas gifts. I'll let you know how that works out, obvs.

Right now though I thought you might want to see how the greenhouse and garden are coming on. Then I shall leave you with a little song that I heard today that made me forget my headache for a while.

This Hollyhock has taken over a year to grow and flower, I so hope it comes back next year, and brings some mates.

Delicious peppers growing on what are now very tall plants, courtesy of our smashing neighbours Nick and Sally.

Hundreds of red hot chillies, we've given quite a few away, which is nice to do. But I'm thinking if they keep growing at the same rate maybe I could also do a swop with friends for other edibles, eggs or preserves perhaps?

These little beauties should eventually turn into this.

And we should be eating some fancy Italian cauliflowers this Winter if these bloomin peskies stop munching their way through my plants as they grow.

This blog post will be over once the fat man sings :)

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