Saturday 5 October 2024


The cold weather has arrived and this year we have had to buy some logs in. We have been in our current home for over seven years and up till now have been using the store of logs that was left to us by the previous owner, plus a few of our own trees have provided. Our neighbour has felled our trees and we split the logs with him, a very good neighbourly arrangement.
Today has been bright and dry. I have been waiting for such a day to harvest my organic chamomile, which is now resting in the warm greenhouse whilst nature does it's thing. I'm not a huge fan of chamomile tea but using my own blooms improves the flavour no end.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Lee Miller, At Last Her Story Is Out There

I have been waiting for this film to hit the cinemas for years. I had the very great pleasure and privilege of working with Lee Miller's son Tony and her granddaughter Ami about nine years ago at Farley Farm House in East Sussex. I knew then that Kate Winslett wanted to make this film about Lee. It has taken so long, but boy the wait has been worth it. It's not really the full story of Lee's life, but rather a snapshot of her war time activity. There is so much more to Lee's story, I urge you to find out more and if you can manage to visit Farley Farm you will be amazed, surprised, moved and excited by what you find there. It really is an extraordinary place, truly unique and still under family control and care. If you have the time, watch this trailer to the end before you see the film.

Friday 30 August 2024

Dame Laura Knight

Have you ever been haunted by an item that you didn't purchase? It doesn't happen very often to me, but a few years ago I saw an amazing portrait of the artist Dame Laura Knight at a local arts trail. I didn't buy said portrait and really regretted it. Especially after being totally beguiled by an exhibition of her work last time I visited Cornwall. I went to the next two art trails, which are only on once a year and the talented artist Jo Morley, and portrait were never there. BUT as luck would have it I found the artists small card with her deatails on and managed to get in touch with her. Guess what? she still had the portrait, it was meant to be :). Top is a photo of Dame Laura, second is my gorgeous portrait and the rest are examples of Dame Laura's work. If you don't know her work check her out, I suspect you will be beguiled too.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

La Chimera

Wierdly strange and strangely wierd, refreshing, mysterious and tantalizing and not a little Felliniesque. We saw it at the cinema but I have seen it is now on some streaming sites. Wonderful, do try and see it, you won't regret it.

Monday 29 July 2024

Norfolk - A Little Piece of Heaven

Wonderfully aged sailing boats passing us by on the Norfolk Broads as we chugged along in our little motor boat. We spotted a zillion Dragonflies, a Cormorant and a juvenile Heron, so close up. A bevy of Swans and their delightful offspring. We went beach combing, and paddled in the cool sea, we visited Holkham Hall which was very grand and quite beautiful of course. We went to a Baroque chamber concert, Li Fiori, musical flower gardens of the 17th century and sat in a 17th century octagonal chapel whilst we were transported by the sights and sounds. We ate well and walked and walked, and we even made friends with Scarlett our hostess's sweet little dog. We can't wait to move to Norfolk it has enchanted us.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Home Comforts- Oat Biscuit Recipe

I've been baking today, it's a very speedy easy recipe and the biscuits are quite delicious and I think quite healthy. I have swopped the oil to olive oil and reduced the sugar quantity to 75gms down from 165gms. We call these our emergency biscuits, as we take them away with us when we holiday in the UK, handy in case we find ourselves with no access to decent food, or healthy snacks. I hope you'll try them and let me know what you think. 150gms jumbo organic oats, 50mls olive oil, 75gms brown sugar, 1 beaten egg, 25gms sunflower seeds, 50gms chopped apricots (the dried soft ones in packets). Put the oats in a bowl, stir in sugar and olive oil, cover with a clean cloth and leave for one hour. Add the rest of the ingredients stir well and form into biscuits on a baking tray. Bake for approx 12-15 minutes, at 180 (medium oven) until lightly browned, allow to cool and munch. I've also managed to harvest 800gms of big dark blackest blackcurrants from our garden to make some jam. I might add I've still left huge amounts for the birds. And a very kind lady gave me 6 empty Bonne Maman jars, so pretty, after I put in a request on Freecycle. Have you all heard about Freegle and Freecycle? You can gift and request things for free, in your local area. Saves items being put into landfill. No waste all gain.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Imaginary Conversations : An Erdem Collection Inspired By Dowager Duchess Deborah

A new exhibition at Chatsworth which I'm pleased to say I helped with in a tiny way, and I mean teeny tiny.
The gorgeous pink confection of a dress and the Elvis slippers were actually owned and worn by Debo. A huge fan of Elvis, she sadly didn't get to meet him.

Monday 1 July 2024

Aberdeen-Fairytale Castles & Gorgeous Art

I recently travelled north of the border to see an old chum. She's been having a hard time of late and I wanted to see her and give her some support, and have a few laughs of course, which is very good medicine in my book. We chatted for England, well I suppose she chatted for Scotland, let me tell you, she won. We had a laid back time. Aberdeen has much to offer and I really enjoyed the differenceness, is that a word? and the culture. Look at the divine pink Craigievar Castle, I must apologise for not crediting the photo, I found it on a local posting and don't know who took it. But rather special, no?
The Aberdeen Art Gallery was splendid and I could have spent hours in there just gawping at the art. Unfortunately whilst I was there a large school party invaded the gallery and made the most tremendous noise whilst wandering around touching the exhibits. The teachers did nothing to supervise the children which greatly surprised and annoyed me, I did well to keep my council and said nothing, although I did glare, obviously. I do a good glare when I need to.

Monday 24 June 2024

Pop Over & Meet Pip

There is a tremendous Australian blogger who I have followed for many years and probably have recommended before. But seriously, do go and find her, she has the most interesting things to say. Sorry I can't do the click on the link thingy, my computer says no. Today she mentions another site, modern daily knitting, who showcase a darning tool.
There is something very comforting about this image.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

India Rose Crawford - Froggie Having A Tidy Up

This very clever lady seems to be on most social media including Insta and Etsy. I love this little film and thought I would share it to make all my blogging chums smile.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Torchy The Battery Boy

I'm just about old enough to remember him. Saw his pic yesterday and thought of Jean-Paul Gaultier. Can you see it?


The cold weather has arrived and this year we have had to buy some logs in. We have been in our current home for over seven years and up til...